Statement by Margrete Auken, Danish Member of the European Parliament and author of the ‘Auken Report’, the report on the urbanistic abuses in the Valencian Region of Spain. Her statement is in response to the Judgment issued by the European Court of Justice on May 26, 2011.
"Margrete Auken respects the decision of the ECJ with regard to the case brought by the European Commission and which was mentioned in recital AA of the her Report (see AUN's home page, March 2009);
Emphasises that this case was brought by the Commission under the power conferred upon it under the Treaty, which is a discretionary power with which the Parliament is not associated; notes that the Court rejected the Commission's request to reopen the oral procedure which it had sought in order to obtain clarification regarding several perceived errors and omissions contained in the Advocate General's Opinion;
Considers that although this decision represents a setback for many persons living in the Valencian Autonomous Region who had set their hopes on a successful legal case brought by the Commission, it does not impact on the rights of European citizens to their legitimately acquired property as stated by the European Parliament in Recital N of the same resolution, nor does it undermine in any way the many other principles, recommendations and proposals contained in the Auken Report, notably paragraphs 3, 4, 18."