AUAN 22nd November 2010
On Thursday 18th November Alexandra Brown, from the Madrid Consulate-General met members of Aubsos Urbanistiocs Almanzora No (AUAN), as part of her fact finding mission to discuss the situation in the Almanzora Valley concerning the estimated 5,000 illegal houses, current and pending court cases, demolition orders and the case of Len and Helen Prior in Vera.
Ms. Brown was presented with a report summarising the situation in the Almanzora Valley and a copy of the white paper presented by AUAN to the Junta de Andalucia on the 18th October in which it set out its proposals for a solution to the problem.
�The meeting was useful and it is good to note that the consulate appears to be undertaking a comprehensive study of property issues affecting British citizens in Spain� said Maura Hillen.
During the meeting Alexandra Brown explained that the consulate is constantly exploring opportunities to raise awareness of property issues with the appropriate Spanish authorities and express concern at the impact these problems are having on some British Citizens and Spain�s reputation abroad. She stated that Ministers, and the British Ambassador to Spain, raise this issue with senior Spanish officials at national and regional levels.
�Alexandra took the time to discuss the human impact of this situation on our members� lives. The sense of hopelessness and frustration after seven years of stress with no solution in sight� said Brian Reade, AUAN vice president.
The visit of the consular official was part of a whirlwind tour of the region where she met with various groups in Malaga, Almeria and Murcia. The visit follows on from a series of meetings in the Valencia region.